GKCTCC Meeting – Feb. 2, 2014 – 1:00 p.m.
Trailside Center – 9901 Holmes, Kansas City, Mo.
Attendance – 18
The first club meeting of the year took place on Feb. 2, 2014 (1: 00 p.m.) at the Trailside Center in Kansas City, Mo. Following the opening there was a moment of silence for Glenn Ratzlaff. Treasurer Jay Pruett presented a 2014 budget report along with a financial report. The Western Farm Show and club display were discussed. Joe Steineger discussed the Ag Hall of Fame tractor cruise scheduled for May 3, 2014. Tractor Daze/Swap Meet (former Heritage Daiy) scheduled for July 11-12, 2014 was discussed. Other topics of discussion/approval included donations, 2014 raffle and Glenn Ratzlaff Memorial Scholarship. Following the installation of 2014 club officers, service gifts were presented. Hopefully everyone made it home to enjoy the Super Bowl.