November Meeting -- Nov. 6th, 2016

The last club meeting of the year was held on Sunday, Nov. 6th at G. A. Salmon’s Farm in Creighton, MO. Topics included highlights of the 2016 Glenn Ratzlaff Scholarship winner, 2017 Western Farm Show booth, approval of the 2017 Ag Hall Tractor Cruise, 2016 Powell Gardens show featuring AC, meeting locations for 2017, 2017 budget committee, and 2017 Officers -- (President) Justin Read, (1st Vice President) Bryce York, (2nd Vice President) Joe Meyer, (3rd Vice President) Lloyd Mesmer, (Treasurer) Jay Pruett, and (Secretary) OPEN. The raffle drawing was held with the winners being: Bill Eagleburger ($250), Garrett Walden ($50), Bob Antes ($50), Matt Seichepine ($50), John Riley ($50), and Morle Kaufmann ($50). Following the meeting a white elephant auction was held with Bary Porter as Auctioneer. Many good items were available for the auction, which benefited the club. Thank you to the Salmon family for hosting the meeting.