Powell Gardens Show -- October 2-4, 2015
We had a great turnout at Powell Gardens this fall. John Deere was the featured
tractor at the show along with Witti engines. The Club had a great display.
There were 100 plus tractors and 35 engines. The weather was great and there was
a large crowd for this 3 day event. Special thanks to Bob Antes for the tractor
games and Miles Wolf for the pedal pull events. The star of the show was the
Clubs 1937 B with cultivator. Those members showing tractors were Dan Hanna JD
60 and JD 953 wagon, Don Hrabik MM U and JD 430,George Reed JD 40 and JD 50,
Bill Eagleburger JD BR and JD 320, Francis Brenner JD 60, Bob Antes JD 530 with
plow, JD 630 with plow, JD 430 with planter, and JD A, Harold Kurzweil JD 330,
JD 530, JD 630, and JD 730, Jerry Lee JD B, Wendell Starkebaum JD 50, Ken Hooper
JD 40, G. A. Salmon JD 40, and Wes Storm JD 420, JD D, JD A, JD A, and JD G with
plow. Several club membership applications were handed out, hopefully we get
some new members. Next year the featured tractor will be AC tractors . Those who
were not there missed some great home made Ice Cream.