Merriam, Ks.  (Overland Tow)

April, 3, 2011---1:00 p.m.


WOW!! What a great start to the tractor season.  The GKCTCC had its second meeting of the year on Sunday, April 3, 2011 in Merriam, Ks. (Overland Tow).  Thanks to Joe Meyer, wife Lorie, and father-in law Duane “Spike” Spieker for their hospitality and great barbecue.  Thanks also to everyone who brought salads, desserts etc. to complement the main dish.  The windy day with a 90 degree temperature blew in over 65 family members which made an excellent turn out.  At the beginning of the meeting Marietta Rogers and the choir opened with the singing of the Star Spangled Banner.  Recent new members were introduced.  Following the approval of the Feb. 13 meeting minutes and a financial report other topics discussed were: (1) budget committee report, (2) 2011 Schedule of Events revisions, (3) Dream Factory Tractor Cruise, (4) Tractor Daze @Ag. Hall, (5) Gathering of the Green in 2012, (6) Shirt/Sweat Shirt prices and color and (7) Tractor Ladies Cookbook in the making.  The President hopes they include Joe and “Spikes” barbecue recipe.  What a great organization to be a member of.



Following the meeting, Dan Hanna talked about a plow day this Saturday, April 9, 2011 in Sugar Creek, Mo. (¼ mile south of the Missouri River on 291 Highway) from 8:00 a.m.--5:00 p.m.  If you are interested---come join them.  Eastside tractor boys, horses using walking and sulky plows along with club members from the Lexington, Mo. Tractor club will be participating.  Call Dan (913/816-9292) for more information.  Sounds like a fun day---weather permitting.

Don, I will keep my mouth shut from now on.