GKCTCC Meeting
February 3, 2013 (1;00 p.m.)
99th and Holmes, KC, MO.
The GKCTCC had the first meeting of the year on Feb. 3, 2013, Trailside Center, 99th and Holmes, KC, MO. Even though it was Super Bowl Day there were 30 in attendance with the weather being favorable. Dr. John Peterson and George Lowe were introduced as new members. The following topics were discussed and or acted upon: Financial Report, 2013 Budget (approved), Western Farm Show, Ag. Hall Tractor Cruise, Tractor Daze and Swap Meet, Donation to Harvesters ($300 approved), 2013 Raffle and the Installation of 2013 Officers. The meeting concluded with giving out service gifts along with awarding plaques to past club officers. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the meeting and made it home in time for the Super Bowl.