The Mid Missouri Tractor Club from Lexington, MO.

has invited our club to participate in a fund raising tractor cruise on September 22 in Lexington, Mo. Their club is raising funds to buy a de-fibulator ( which is used to resuscitate a person’s heart). The cruise will be a short ride 20-30 miles on Saturday afternoon and then they will have a Hot Dog roast at the end of the cruise. The cost is $15.00.

The reason that they are doing this, is so that when they have club function, they will have something to help people out if the need arises. They have had a club member pass away at one of their events.

Give me a call and I can get you more information concerning this event. I would think that it would be fun to participate with other Tractor Club’s in event’s like this.


Dan Hanna     


Daniel R Hanna Agency Inc.
2132 NW 7 Highway
Blue Springs, Mo. 64014
816-228-9292 office
816-224-9401 fax