November 4, 2012

Pioneer Village

Adrian, Mo.


The last club meeting of the year was held on Sunday, Nov. 4 at the Pioneer Village, Adrian, Mo.  Francis Brenner was introduced as a new member.  Topics included highlights of the American Royal Parade, redesigning Tractor Daze at the Ag Hall, approval of the 2013 Ag Hall Tractor Cruise, Western Farm Show booth, meeting locations for 2013, 2013 budget committee and 2013 slate of officers -- (President) Don Hrabik, (1st Vice President) Wes Storm, (2nd Vice President) Joe Meyers, (3rd Vice President) Bob Antes, (Treasurer) Jay Pruett and (Secretary) Justin Read.  The raffle drawing was held with the winners being: Richard Krause, ($250), Steve Hrabik ($50),  Wes Storm ($50)David Hrabik ($50), Bob Surber ($50) and Herman Sachse ($50).  Following the meeting a white elephant auction was held with Bary Porter and Ken Buell doing the honors as auctioneers.  Manny good items were available for the auction which benefited the club.  Thanks to Bob Surber and Duane Craig for hosting the meeting.