Maple Leaf Festival Parade - Baldwin City, KS - October 20th 2018 11 AM

The GKCTCC participated in the 2018 Maple Leaf Festival Parade on October 20th starting at 11 AM. It was a wonderful day as the 4 streaks of green and yellow made there way to Baldwin City and thru the Maple Leaf festival parade. There was an abundant amount of enthusiasm by the drivers and spectators alike. Thanks to Jon Pirie for entering The Club in the parade and organizing the event for us. A great time was had by all. Participants were as follows: President - Justin Read (and Dalamar controlling the wheel) on their 1941 JD model H. VP - Jon Pirie (and his brother Chuck Pirie) on their 1949 JD model MT. Former President - Don Hrabik on his 1957 JD 520 and plow. VP - Lloyd Mesmer on his 1958 JD 620 LP Wide Front.

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